Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Future Proofing our Party: Gareths speech to Green Party AGM

Kia Ora

My name is Gareth Hughes and I am a young Green. I am passionate and excited about the role that Young People can play in the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. Over the preceding months we have been meeting electronically and on frequent conference calls. On Friday a group of young people met at parliament to discuss how we can best become involved in environmental and social campaigning within the green Party. Young activists travelled from around the country to discuss what it is to be a young green in Aotearoa/New Zealand and where to from here. And today I am pleased to announce the formation of the young Greens. This afternoon you will hear Ben, who will be speaking on the story so far, and what we have done; then Tara will discuss our new structure; followed by Max who will speak on our policies. Shaun will speak on our goals for the coming year then Marcel will discuss our expectations of the Green Party.

For too long the Young Greens (YGs) have been a concept and not a reality. Many lofty words have been spoken in the past about involving youth in the party. However, in reality the party’s relationship with youth has been on an ad-hoc basis, dependent upon personal relationships and especially keen young people rather than a coherent and sustainable young greens organisation. Today, the Young Greens announce that we are going to become an organised force within the party with a plan to have a major role in the advocacy of youth. The young Greens have a vision to be an effective, organised and passionate part of the Green Party.

What are the Young Greens? The Young Greens is a group of young people passionate about ecological sustainability and social justice and who see the Green Party as a positive force in our world. We are made up of individuals from all over the country from universities, polytechs and high schools and range in age from 12-30.

Why Should the Party have a Young Greens Group? Internationally Green parties have youth wings that are seen as ‘talent incubators’ and as having significant benefit both in attracting young voters, training young activists and in influencing policy. Every major political party in New Zealand have youth wings and often they devote considerable energy and resources to them. Within the Green Party of Aotearoa/New Zealand we have always prided ourselves on being the party of youth and have advocated strongly for measures that benefit youth. We have been rewarded with the highest youth vote as a percentage of total vote of any party and young activists have tirelessly campaigned on behalf of the party.

Most members would agree that we need young people come up through the Party process and would like to see more young people stand as candidates. Most would also agree that young people have different concerns from those older, and in a parliament where the average age is 51, our views are not being adequately addressed.

Having an organisational structure separate from the provincial party structure is necessary to ensure that we have an independent and strong voice. This is not a rejection of the current party structure, in fact many of us play crucial roles within it, rather that we see ourselves having unique concerns, views and values best served through our groupings

The Party needs to be challenged in constructive and positive ways that keeps it fresh and constantly asking itself, “is it doing the best that it can?” Introspection, renewal and honesty are part of building a sustainable party relevant and effective in our times. The Young Greens want to challenge the Party on issues of structure, policy and economic and social relationships. We feel we have important views, opinions and ideas. The Green Party of Aotearoa needs organised, effective and passionate young voices.

So I urge you to go to your provinces: your cities, towns and farms and encourage your young members to become involved with the young greens.

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